Head Instructor:
Sensei Darren Lenkorn, Yondan, Toronto Branch Chief, IKOK
Kyokushinkai Karate, Kickboxing, Bulgarian Bag, CSK and Dryland Head Instructor
Sensei Darren has been training in Kyokushinkai Karate for over 27 years. He is the head instructor at Toronto Kyokushinkai Karate and Branch Chief for Toronto, Ontario for the IKOK. He leads all programs including Karate, Kickboxing and Bulgarian Bag / Strength training programs.

Kyokushinkai Karate Instructor:
Sensei Marius Mahmodian
Sensei Marius started as a guest instructor at our dojo 8 + years ago and enjoyed our environment and company so much he never left. He holds the rank of Godan, but as he's assisting with the dojo out of respect and in true Kyokushin tradition humbleness, (keep your eyes low and your head held high) he prefers to be addressed as Sensei and wear a belt without any dan markings. He has competed in tournaments in Canada, Iran and internationally and has been training in Kyokushinkai Karate for over 25 years.

Kyokushinkai Karate Instructor:
Sempai Olga Oulanova, Nidan
Sensei Olga has been training in Kyokushinkai Karate from the age of 12. Her journey started in Sweden training under famous instructor Shihan Howard Collins, then in Edmonton at the Edmonton Dojo in Western Canada Branch and subsequently at our dojo in Toronto for the past 9 years. Sempai Olga is two time North American Middle Weight Champion, Canadian Champion and placed third in the All American in NYC. She trained for these events all the while completing her PHD in Psychology. She teaches regularly at our dojo assisting with the kids and adult program.

Kyokushinkai Karate and Ichigeki Kickboxing Instructor:
Sempai Carlos Velez, Shodan
Sempai Carlos has been training in Kyokushin for over 15 years, most recently grading for his Shodan in 2017. He has competed in knockdown in Montreal at the Elite Championships placing 2nd in 2016 and in Los Angeles at the US Weight Category Championships in 2017 placing 4th.
He trained with Francisco Filho in May of 2017 in Toronto at his Ichigeki seminar, and then traveled to San Paolo Brazil in June of 2017 for an intensive Ichigeki training with Francisco Filho.

Kyokushinkai Karate and Kickboxing Instructor:
Sempai Nader Bagheri, Shodan
Sempai Nader has been training and competing in Kyokushin Karate and Kickboxing for over 2 years. He is an internationally certified Kickboxing instructor, and has taught both Kyokushin and Kickboxing in Iran, Taiwan and Canada.

CSK Kickboxing and Bulgarian Bag Instructor:
Kristen Bones, CSK Certified and Bulgarian Bag Level 1 Suples Fit Certified