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Leadership Program Addition Week 1 and 6

Leadership Program Addition Week 1 and 6


Summer camp Leadership program suppliment fee for weeks 1 and 6 of summer camp for campers ages 9-13 that wish to participate in the Leadership Certification stream. Fee must be added for each week that camper is enrolled in the leadership program. This selection applies for Weeks 1 and 6 only that are short weeks due to statutory holiday on the Monday.

  • Details

    NEW for full week camps LEADERSHIP PROGRAM: This is for older campers ages 9-12 that wish to participate in the camp and want more intensive training as well as to be in the CIT (Counselor in training stream). Leaders help the camp CIT and Counselors with running games and drills, learning to supervise, mentor and troubleshoot campers and camper interactions. They are the leaders at camp and receive a Leadership Training Certificate at the end of their camp week. Leaders that have completed Level I (5 day program) can work towards Level II and Level III Certifications.

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